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Courtney Lou


The horse bug seemed to skip a generation in my family, but I didn't catch it until I was 12. I began riding at a local school, working in the stables to help fund my lessons. 

My approach to horses has always been laced with compassion, however I was lucky to lease a horse from a family who were advocating natural horsemanship in its early years. This was fantastic for me - at a young and impressionable age I was surrounded by people who wanted better for the horses. My methods have become a tapestry of the clinicians I've studied with, drawn from the horses themselves, and influenced by my studies as a veterinary nurse and in the field of psychology. These facets of my inspiration bring a holistic band to my ideas, forever considering the horse, his physicality and his mentality.

My training sessions are spirited and fun. I am all for incidental learning, inspired play and discovery. Your horse will tell you how you're doing.


Smurf Potato

The Legend Himself

The legend himself, Smurf Potato. Legend has it that this wonder pony was once a wild creature, wandering the rugged plains near Eucla, close to the center of Australia. Since his rescue from drought conditions close to a decade ago, this small boy has slowly revealed his quietly cheeky, masterful personality. He loves music. He loves to Spanish Walk. And he loves water. Smurf is a fantastic teacher and a great assistant at clinics. He places an undeserved weight of trust in me and will always attempt anything he's asked.



A Unicorn without a Horn

Page is a very friendly creature who was recently rescued from drought conditions in Queensland. Too unwell to complete her trip west in one go, Page spent a month in Victoria with the transport company gaining condition. She was still poorly when she did finally arrive in WA in mid-December, but the fertile soil in the Valley has worked wonders for lovely Page. She is alarmingly sweet. and slowly developing in to a strong contender for the Kokoro liberty team.

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